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This website accompanies and supplements 'York Murder & Crime' as an additional repository for those crimes and criminals that the constraints of paperback publishing prohibited the inclusion of, and of course those inevitable tales I uncovered after going to print!

Hopefully the inclusions here on this site will provide the opportunity of enjoying further discoveries from the shadier side of York's history, with a focus on 'York's Criminal Haunts' - examining some criminal hauntings arising from the crimes and violent acts perpetrated in the City's past.

York Murder and Crime

In addition, if you'd like to share your own stories and experiences I keen to continue to collecting material and would be very interested to hear from anyone who would like to make a contribution of a tale of true-life crime from York's history. Please get in touch.

Listen to Summer's interview in July 2013 on Vixen 101 (mp3 format).

Summer Strevens

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