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This website accompanies and supplements 'York Murder & Crime' as an additional repository for those crimes and criminals that the constraints of paperback publishing prohibited the inclusion of, and of course those inevitable tales I uncovered after going to print!
Hopefully the inclusions here on this site will provide the opportunity of enjoying further discoveries from the shadier side of York's history, with a focus on 'York's Criminal Haunts' - examining some criminal hauntings arising from the crimes and violent acts perpetrated in the City's past.

In addition, if you'd like to share your own stories and experiences I keen to continue to collecting material and would be very interested to hear from anyone who would like to make a contribution of a tale of true-life crime from York's history. Please get in touch.
Listen to Summer's interview in July 2013 on Vixen 101 (mp3 format).
Summer Strevens
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